By: Jim Townsend
Published May 4, 2024
I knew Pete Domenici, Martin Heinrich is no Pete Domenici.
Comparing Heinrich to Domenici is to compare a true statesman — committed to his state and his people — to someone who has neglected to show up for his constituents for the decades he’s been in office.
Pete Domenici and Martin Heinrich both had to deal with a prescribed burn that turned into a tragic wildfire. Their responses were very different.
Pete was hands-on. He dealt aggressively with FEMA. Peoples’ claims were quickly paid. According to many Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon victims, Martin Heinrich’s hands-off approach has begot chaos, misery, and delay.
Leadership matters, and Martin Heinrich is no Pete Domenici, but Nella is a Domenici and within two months of declaring her candidacy, she met with victims and has a proposal to get people paid.
Pete Domenici was a champion for all kinds of energy because he understood that New Mexico is an energy producing state. He supported the oil and gas industry, and he also authored the first federal solar tax credit. Heinrich wants to shut down the oil and gas, and only promotes green energy with arbitrary and unachievable goals for renewables.
Domenici was practical, sensible, and informed. Heinrich and his radical left progressives are not. They ignore irrefutable truths like oil and gas pays for almost 50% of the state’s budget. Nella Domenici, like Pete, is a budget expert. Budgets aren’t balanced on hopes, aspirational goals or feel-good virtue signaling.
Domenici was known for meeting with New Mexicans. Like father, like daughter, Nella meets, listens, and learns.
She met with the car dealers who oppose the clean car mandate. Martin and the progressives support it. The mandate will limit the type of cars dealers can sell, thereby limiting the types of cars New Mexicans can buy — electric vehicles — that New Mexicans don’t want and can’t afford. Under the mandate, 82% of vehicles sold in New Mexico must be EVs in 2032.
EVs are at least 20% plastic, made from petroleum products produced from oil, which would no longer be available if Martin has his way.
The progressives brag about Heinrich getting federal money for facilities in New Mexico and yet it is Pete Domenici who is referred to as St. Pete at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Pete did not just fund projects, he convinced the corporate leadership of companies like Intel, Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) and Urenco to invest in New Mexico. Nella has already convinced Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway to invest in his first company in New Mexico.
The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Nella has shown New Mexicans that she can deliver. Ask the 9,000 students in mostly underserved areas who are excelling in New Mexico public, charter schools that Nella, her husband, and a dedicated group of bipartisan New Mexico leaders have helped create.
When Nella is elected, she will work on a bipartisan basis and put her expertise to work on behalf of New Mexicans.
Issues confronting New Mexicans are the high cost of living, which robs every New Mexican, inflation caused by out-of-control radical left spending.
The other issue is crime, which threatens families throughout the state. The open border supported by Martin Heinrich has invited cartels, gangs, and violent criminals into our communities.
These problems and others are the direct result of the progressive radical left’s agenda in the Legislature, legislators Martin has endorsed, and policies which he supports nationally.
Martin Heinrich is no Domenici, but Nella Domenici is. It is time to vote in Nella for New Mexico.
State Rep. Jim Townsend, of Artesia, represents District 54 in the New Mexico House of Representatives and is a former House Minority Floor Leader. He is also a New Mexico National Republican Committeeman.